Monday, March 26, 2007

We remember Charles H. Cookman

Our hearts are sad at the passing of our dear spiritual father, leader and true friend forever.

Charles H. Cookman, August 11, 1927 - March 26, 2007, has been this ministries ATWR & FFTV Vice-President since 1996. Prior to that time he served twenty-six years as the state leader for 201 North Carolina Assemblies of God Churches(1966-1992). Before that he was a pastor in North Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia.

Those who would meet him would always be encouraged. Charles great wisdom always set the positive pace for who we are and what we will be in the great future.

Please pray for the Charles Cookman Family. Also please watch this tribute video we have posted on our file. This was from some produced footage we had in 1992.

Please post your memories and comments to the family.